Have you ever heard the saying that every business is now a technology company?
It’s a phrase that’s been buzzing around the business world, and it makes you wonder… is it really true?
Here’s the surprising reality: Stats reveal only 21% of companies are truly incorporating technology into their strategic thinking in a meaningful way.
But don’t worry if you’re not in that 21% just yet. Here are five ways you can be inspired.
First, learn from success stories. Look at other businesses that have embraced technology effectively. What did they do? How did it benefit them? Use these examples as a source of inspiration.
Second, find yourself a tech partner. You need someone who can navigate this complex tech world alongside you. Look for a tech expert who can help you understand the potential of technology (we can certainly help with that).
Third, get a grasp of the impact technology can have on your business. Ask your tech partner to give you ideas of how technology can give your business a boost.
Fourth, dip your toes into low-code or no-code solutions. You don’t need to have a computer science degree to leverage technology. Start with user-friendly tools and see how they can streamline your operations.
Lastly, participate in workshops. It’s not just about learning, it’s about envisioning a different future for your company. Get involved in sessions that encourage you to think creatively about how technology can shape your business.
Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to support you every step of the way – get in touch.